Macro Variables and System Options for Relational Databases SASTRACE= System Option 223
commands that are sent to your DBMS by the SAS/ACCESS engine. SASTRACE
output is DBMS-specific; however, most SAS/ACCESS engines will show you statements
like SELECT or COMMIT as the DBMS processes them for the SAS application.
When using SASTRACE on PC platforms, you must also specify SASTRACELOC.
The following example generates several messages from the SASTRACE= system
data work.winter_birthdays;
input empid birthdat date9. lastname $18.;
format birthdat date9.;
678999 28DEC1966 PAVEO JULIANA 3451
456788 12JAN1977 SHIPTON TIFFANY 3468
890123 20FEB1973 THORSTAD EDVARD 3329
libname mydblib oracle user=testuser password=testpass schema=bday_data;
options sastrace=’,,,d’ sastraceloc=saslog;
data mydblib.snow_birthdays;
set work.winter_birthdays;
libname mydblib clear;
The output is written to the SAS log, as specified by the SASTRACELOC=SASLOG