258 Using the TABULATE Procedure Chapter 13
Output 13.17 Using the RANK Procedure
Ranking of Delayed Flights 1
1 114 01MAR1998 LGA LAX 1-10 Minutes Domestic 8 9
2 202 01MAR1998 LGA ORD No Delay Domestic -5 42
3 219 01MAR1998 LGA LON 11+ Minutes International 18 4
4 622 01MAR1998 LGA FRA No Delay International -5 42
5 132 01MAR1998 LGA YYZ 11+ Minutes International 14 8
6 271 01MAR1998 LGA PAR 1-10 Minutes International 5 13
7 302 01MAR1998 LGA WAS No Delay Domestic -2 36
8 114 02MAR1998 LGA LAX No Delay Domestic 0 28
9 202 02MAR1998 LGA ORD 1-10 Minutes Domestic 5 13
10 219 02MAR1998 LGA LON 11+ Minutes International 18 4
11 622 02MAR1998 LGA FRA No Delay International 0 28
12 132 02MAR1998 LGA YYZ 1-10 Minutes International 5 13
13 271 02MAR1998 LGA PAR 1-10 Minutes International 4 19
14 302 02MAR1998 LGA WAS No Delay Domestic 0 28
15 114 03MAR1998 LGA LAX No Delay Domestic -1 32
16 202 03MAR1998 LGA ORD No Delay Domestic -1 32
17 219 03MAR1998 LGA LON 1-10 Minutes International 4 19
18 622 03MAR1998 LGA FRA No Delay International -2 36
19 132 03MAR1998 LGA YYZ 1-10 Minutes International 6 12
20 271 03MAR1998 LGA PAR 1-10 Minutes International 2 25
Using the TABULATE Procedure
This example uses the TABULATE procedure on the Oracle table Payroll to display
a chart of the number of employees for each job code.
libname mydblib oracle user=testuser password=testpass;
title "Number of Employees by Jobcode";
proc tabulate data=mydblib.payroll format=3.0;
class jobcode;
table jobcode*n;
keylabel n="#";
Output for this example is shown here.
Output 13.18 Using the TABULATE Procedure
Number of Employees by Jobcode 1
| 9| 11| 16| 7| 8| 14| 7| 5| 3| 8| 10| 2| 7| 9| 20| 12|