318 ERRLIMIT Statement Appendix 2
number 3, not 2. If you drop more than one variable, separate the identifiers with
spaces, not commas.
ERRLIMIT Statement
Stops the loading of data after a specified number of errors
Default: 100; see the SAS/ACCESS documentation for your DBMS for possible exceptions
The ERRLIMIT= statement stops the loading of data after the specified number of
DBMS SQL errors has occurred. Errors include observations that fail to be inserted and
commits that fail to execute. The ERRLIMIT statement defaults to 10 when used with
The error-limit argument must be a non-negative integer. To allow an unlimited
number of DBMS SQL errors to occur, specify
errlimit=0. If the SQL CREATE
TABLE statement that is generated by the procedure fails, the procedure terminates.
LABEL Statement
Causes DBMS column names to default to SAS labels
Interacts with:
Default: DBMS column names default to SAS variable names
The LABEL statement causes the DBMS column names to default to the SAS variable
labels when the new table is created. If a SAS variable has no label, the variable name
is used. If the label is too long to be a valid DBMS column name, the label is truncated.
For the LABEL statement to take effect, the RESET statement must be used after
the LABEL statement.