70 AUTOCOMMIT= LIBNAME Option Chapter 9
When you specify the AUTHID= option, every table that is referenced by the libref is
qualified as authid.tablename before any SQL code is passed to the DBMS. If you do not
specify a value for AUTHID=, the table name is not qualified before it is passed to the
DBMS. After the DBMS receives the table name, it automatically qualifies it with your
user ID. You can override the LIBNAME AUTHID= option by using the AUTHID= data
set option. This option is not validated until you access a table.
SCHEMA= is an alias for this option.
See Also
To apply this option to an individual data set, see the data set option “AUTHID=
Data Set Option” on page 137.
Indicates whether updates are committed immediately after they are submitted
Valid in:
the SAS/ACCESS LIBNAME statement
DBMS support: DB2 UNIX/PC, ODBC, OLE DB, Microsoft SQL Server, SYBASE
Default value:
DBMS-specific, see details below
Syntax Description
specifies that all updates, deletes, and inserts are committed (that is, saved to table)
immediately after they are submitted, and no rollback is possible.
specifies that the SAS/ACCESS engine automatically performs the commit when it
reaches the DBCOMMIT= value, or the default number of rows if DBCOMMIT is not
If you are using the SAS/ACCESS LIBNAME statement, the default is NO if the data
source provider supports transactions and the connection is used for updating data. For
read-only connections and the SQL Procedure Pass-Through Facility, the default is YES.
See Also
To apply this option to an individual data set, see the data set option
“AUTOCOMMIT= Data Set Option” on page 138.