Data Set Options for Relational Databases DBSASTYPE= Data Set Option 185
into the DBPROMPT window fields. The user must edit or accept the connection
information in the DBPROMPT window to proceed. The password value appears as a
series of asterisks; it can be edited by the user.
proc print data=vlib.myview(dbprompt=yes);
See Also
To assign this option to a group of relational DBMS tables or views, see the
LIBNAME option “DBPROMPT= LIBNAME Option” on page 93.
DBSASTYPE= Data Set Option
Specifies data type(s) to override the default SAS data type(s) during input processing of data
Valid in: DATA and PROC steps (when accessing DBMS data using SAS/ACCESS
DBMS support: DB2 UNIX/PC, ODBC, OLE DB, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server
Default value:
Syntax Description
specifies a DBMS column name.
specifies a SAS data type. SAS data types include the following: CHAR(n),
NUMERIC, DATETIME, DATE, TIME. See the documentation for your
SAS/ACCESS interface for details.
By default, the SAS/ACCESS interface for your DBMS converts each DBMS data type
to a SAS data type during input processing. When you need a different data type, you
can use this option to override the default and assign a SAS data type to each specified
DBMS column. Some conversions might not be supported; if a conversion is not
supported, SAS prints an error to the log.
In the following example, DBSASTYPE= specifies a data type to use for the column
MYCOLUMN when printing ODBC data in SAS. If the data in this DBMS column is