Sample Data for SAS/ACCESS for Relational Databases Descriptions of the Sample Data 273
Output 15.7 Description of the Staff DBMS Data
-----Alphabetic List of Variables and Attributes-----
# Variable Type Len Pos
4 city Char 15 34
3 fname Char 15 19
6 hphone Char 12 51
1 idnum Char 4 0
2 lname Char 15 4
5 state Char 2 49
Output 15.8 Description of the Superv DBMSData
-----Alphabetic List of Variables and Attributes-----
# Variable Type Len Pos Label
3 jobcat Char 2 6 Job Category
2 state Char 2 4
1 supid Char 4 0 Supervisor Id
Output 15.9 Description of the Invoices DBMSData
-----Alphabetic List of Variables and Attributes-----
# Variable Type Len Pos Format
3 AMTBILL Num 8 8
5 AMTINUS Num 8 16
6 BILLEDBY Num 8 24
7 BILLEDON Num 8 32 DATE9.
2 BILLEDTO Char 8 48
4 COUNTRY Char 20 56
1 INVNUM Num 8 0
8 PAIDON Num 8 40 DATE9.
Output 15.10 Description of the Employees DBMS Data
-----Alphabetic List of Variables and Attributes-----
# Variable Type Len Pos Format
7 BIRTHDTE Num 8 32 DATE9.
4 DEPT Char 6 40
1 EMPID Num 8 0
9 FRSTNAME Char 15 65
6 GENDER Char 1 46
5 JOBCODE Num 8 24
8 LASTNAME Char 18 47
10 MIDNAME Char 15 80
11 PHONE Char 4 95
3 SALARY Num 8 16