The LIBNAME Statement for Relational Databases READBUFF= LIBNAME Option 121
specifies for Teradata to wait to acquire the lock, so SAS/ACCESS waits indefinitely
until it can acquire the lock.
specifies for Teradata to fail the lock request if the specified DBMS resource is locked.
If you specify READ_MODE_WAIT=NO and if a different user holds a restrictive lock,
then the executing SAS step fails. SAS/ACCESS continues processing the job by
executing the next step. For more information, see the SAS/ACCESS documentation for
If you specify READ_MODE_WAIT=NO and if a different user holds a
lock, then the executing SAS step fails. SAS/ACCESS continues processing the job by
executing the next step. If you specify READ_MODE_WAIT=YES, SAS/ACCESS waits
indefinitely until it can acquire the lock.
A restrictive lock means that another user is holding a lock that prevents you from
obtaining your desired lock. Until the other user releases the restrictive lock, you
cannot obtain your lock. For example, another user’s table level WRITE lock prevents
you from obtaining a READ lock on the table.
For more information, see the documentation for the Teradata interface.
See Also
To apply this option to an individual data set, see the data set option
“READ_MODE_WAIT= Data Set Option” on page 207.
Specifies the number of rows of DBMS data to read into the buffer
Valid in:
the SAS/ACCESS LIBNAME statement
DBMS support: DB2 UNIX/PC, ODBC, OLE DB, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, SYBASE
Default value:
Syntax Description
is the number of rows to hold in memory. SAS allows the maximum number that is
allowed by the DBMS.
This option improves performance by specifying a number of rows that can be held in
memory for input into SAS. Buffering data reads can decrease network activities and