Commands Listed in Alphabetical Order
<x> is the numbe
r of y bytes. For e xample, if <yyy>=500, then <x>=3)
<yyy> is the number of bytes to transfer. If width is 1, then all bytes on the
bus are single
data points. If width is 2, then all bytes on the bus are 2-bytes
wide. Use the WFMInpre:BYT_Nr command to set the width for waveforms
transferred into the oscilloscope. Use WFMOutpre:BYT_Nr to set the width
for waveforms transferred out from the oscilloscope.
<data> is the curve data.
<newline> is a single byte new line character at the end of the data.
<asc cu rve
is the w aveform data in ASCII format. The format for ASCII data
<NR1>[,<NR1>...], where each <NR1> represents a da ta point.
DIGital S
ends the data to the specified reference waveform slot, as specified
by the DATA:DESTINATION command. If the data encoding is a binary
format, then depending upon the setting of HEADER, the binary block header is
prepended to the output data. (MSO models only)
CURVE? with ASCII encoding, start and stop of 1 and 10 respectively, and a width
set to 1 might return
:CURVE 61 ,62,61,60,60,-5 9,-59,-58,-58,-5 9
NOTE. Curve data is transferred from the oscilloscope asynchronously, depending
on the length of the curve record. Such transfers may require several seconds
to complete. During this period, the oscilloscope will not respond to the user
controls. You can interrupt these asynchronous data transfers by sending a device
clear message to the oscilloscope or by interrupting the query with another
command or query. In order to v erify that curve data has been completely
transferred, it is recommended that you follow such queries with an *ESR?
query to verify there are no error bits set. You can also check the event queue to
determine the cause of the error. If the error was caused by an interrupted query,
then the asynchronous data transfer was not complete when the *ESR? query was
sent. In such cases, it may be ne cessary to increase the program’s time-out value
to ensure that all data is transferred and read.
Sets or returns the format and location of waveform data transferred with the
CURVe? query or CURVe command.
Waveform Transfer
2-146 MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual