Command Groups
Table 2-32: Vertical Commands (cont.)
Command Description
CH<x>:PRObe:ID:SERnumber? Returns the serial number of the probe that
is attached to the specified channel
CH<x>:PRObe:ID:TYPE ? Returns the type of probe that is attached to
the specified channel
CH<x>:PRObe:MODel Sets or returns the probe model for the
specified channel
CH<x>:PRObe:PROPDELay Sets or returns the propagation delay for the
probe connected to the specified channel
CH<x>:PRObe:RECDESkew? Returns the recommended deskew for the
probe connected to the specified channel
CH<x>:PRObe:RESistance? Returns the resistance of the probe that is
attached to the specified channel
CH<x>:PRObe:SIGnal Sets or returns the input bypass setting of
channel <x>TekVPI probe
CH<x>:PRObe:UNIts? Returns the units of measure of the probe
that is attached to the specified channel
CH<x>:SCAle Sets or returns the vertical scale of the
specified channel
CH<x>:TERmination Sets or returns channel input termination
CH<x>:YUNits Sets or returns the units for the specified
Returns parameters for digital channel <x>
Sets or returns the waveform label for digital
Sets or returns the logical threshold for digital
channel <x>
D<x>:POSition Sets or returns the vertical position for digital
channel <x>
DESkew Causes the deskew values for all channels
to be set to the recommended values
DESkew:DISPlay Sets or returns the state of the deskew table
REF<x>? Returnsreference waveform datafor channel
REF<x>:DATE? Returns the date that a reference waveform
was stored
REF<x>:HORizontal:DELay:TIMe Sets or returns the horizontal position of the
specified reference waveform in percent of
the waveform that is displayed to the right of
the center vertical graticule
REF<x>:HORizontal:SCAle Sets or returns the horizontal scale for a
reference waveform
2-60 MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual