Command Groups
Table 2-32: Vertical Commands (cont.)
Command Description
AUXin:PRObe:RESistance? Returns the resistance of the probe that is
attached to the Auxiliary input
AUXin:PRObe:SIGnal Sets or returns the input bypass setting on
VPI probes that support input bypass
AUXin:PRObe:UNIts? Returns the units of measure of the probe
that is attached to the auxiliary input
CH<x>? Returns vertical parameters for the specified
CH<x>:AMPSVIAVOLTs:ENAble Sets or returns the state ofthe amps via volts
feature for the specified channel
CH<x>:AMPSVIAVOLTs:FACtor Sets or returns the amps via volts factor for
the specified channel
CH<x>:BANdwidth Sets or returns the bandwidth of the specified
CH<x>:COUPling Sets or returns the coupling setting for the
specified channel
CH<x>:DESKew Sets or returns the deskew time for the
specified channel
CH<x>:INVert Sets or returns the invert function for the
specified channel
CH<x>:LABel Sets or returns the waveform label for
channel <x>
CH<x>:OFFSet Sets or returns the channel offset
CH<x>:POSition Sets or returns the channel vertical position
Returns the gain, resistance, units, and ID
of the probe that is attached to the specified
CH<x>:PRObe:AUTOZero Sets the TekVPI probe attached to the
specified channel input to autozero
CH<x>:PRObe:COMMAND Sets the state of the specified probe control
CH<x>:PRObe:DEGAUss Starts a degauss/autozero cycle on a TekVPI
current probe attached to the specified
channel input
CH<x>:PRObe:DEGAUss:STATE? Returns the state of the probe degauss
CH<x>:PRObe:FORCEDRange Sets or returns the range on a TekVPI probe
attached to the specified channel
CH<x>:PRObe:GAIN Sets or returns the gain factor of the probe
that is attached to the specified channel
CH<x>:PRObe:ID? Returns the type and serial number of
the probe that is attached to the specified
MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual 2-59