Command Groups
Calibration a
nd Diagnostic Command Group
The Calibration and Diagnostic commands provide information about the current
state of oscilloscope calibration. They also initiate internal signal path calibration
(SPC) or e xec
ute diagnostic tests. Commands that are specifictofactory
calibration are not described in this manual. They are described in the Service
manual, located on the DPO4000 Documentation CD-ROM in PDF format. You
can also order a printed copy.
Table 2-16: Calibration and Diagnostic Commands
*CAL? Instructs the oscilloscope to perform
self-calibration and returns the oscilloscope
self calibration status
CALibrate:FACtory:STATus? Returns the factory calibration status value
saved in nonvolatile memory
CALibrate:INTERNal Starts a signal path compensation
CALibrate:INTERNal:STARt Starts the internal signal path calibration
CALibrate:INTERNal:STATus? Returns the current status of the internal
signal path calibration
CALibrate:RESults? Returns the status of all calibration
subsystems without performing an SPC
CALibrate:RESults:FACtory? Returns the status of internal and factory
CALibrate:RESults:SPC? Returns the results of the last SPC operation
DIAg:LOOP:OPTion Sets the self-test loop option
DIAg:LOOP:OPTion:NTIMes Sets the self-test loop option to run N times
DIAg:LOOP:STOP Stops the self-test at the end of the current
DIAg:RESUlt:FLAg? Returns the pass/fail status from the last
self-test sequence execution
DIAg:RESUlt:LOG? Returns the internal results log from the last
self-test sequence execution
DIAg:SELect:<function> Selects one of the available s elf-test areas
DIAg:STATE Sets the oscilloscope operating state
DIAg:SELect Runs self tests on the specified system
Cursor Command Group
Use the commands in the Cursor Command Group to control the cursor display
and readout. You can use these commands to control the setups for cursor 1 and
cursor 2, such as cursor position.
MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual 2-17