Commands Listed in Alphabetical Order
Table 2-38: FPAnel:PRESS arguments (cont.)
Argument Description
SINGleseq Single button
Test button
Trigger Menu button
UTILity Utility button
FPANEL:PRESS AUTOSET executes the oscilloscope Autoset function.
FPAnel:TURN (No Query Form)
Simulates the action of turning a specified front-panel control knob.
When the front panel is locked, the front-panel button and multipurpose knob
operations are suspended. The FPAnel:PRESS and
FPAnel:TURN commands
will also not work, and, they will not generate an error. You can
work around
this by using the appropriate programmatic interface commands, instead of the
front-panel commands. For example, to set the trigger level to 50%, you could
use TRIGger:A SETLevel. To force a trigger, you could use TRIGger FORCe.
FPAnel:TURN <knob>,<n>
<knob> is the name of a rotating control.
A comma (,) separates the control knob argument from the numeric rotation value
argument. You do not need a white space between the arguments and the comma.
<n> represents the rotation direction and magnitude of rotation. Negative values
represent a counterclockwise knob rotation, and positive values represent a
clockwise rotation. The magnitude of <n> specifies the amount of the turn, where
<n> = 1 represents turning the knob one unit, <n> = 2 represents turning the knob
two units, <n> = 4 represents turning the knob four units, and so on. The range of
units depends on which front panel knob is specified.
Table 2-39: FPAnel:TURN arguments
Argument Description
Multipurpose a knob
Multipurpose b knob
Horizontal Position knob
2-180 MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual