Command Groups
Table 2-31: Trigger Commands (cont.)
TRIGger:A:SETHold:THReshold:D<x> Sets the A trigger setup
and hold threshold for the
selected digital channel
TRIGger:A:UPPerthreshold:CH<x> Sets the upper threshold for
the channel selected
Returns the delta time,
polarity, and both upper and
lower threshold limits for the
transition time trigger
TRIGger:A{:TRANsition|:RISEFall}:DELTatime Sets or returns the delta
time used in calculating the
transition value
TRIGger:A{:TRANsition|:RISEFall}:POLarity Sets or returns the polarity
for the A pulse transition
TRIGger:A{:TRANsition|:RISEFall}:SOUrce Sets or returns the source
for transition trigger
TRIGger:A{:TRANsition|:RISEFall}:WHEn Sets or returns the
relationship of delta time
to transitioning signal
TRIGger:A:TYPe Sets or returns the type of A
Returns the video
parameters for the A trigger
TRIGger:A:VIDeo:CU STom{:FORMat|:TYPE} Sets or returns the video
trigger format
TRIGger:A:VIDeo:CUSTom:LINEPeriod Sets or queries the line
TRIGger:A:VIDeo:CUSTom:SCAN Sets or returns the horizontal
line scan rate of the A video
TRIGger:A:VIDeo:CU S Tom:SYNCInterval Sets or queries the sync
TRIGger:A:VIDeo:HD tv:F ORMat Sets or returns the HDTV
video signal format on which
to trigger
TRIGger:A:VIDeo:HOLD off:FIELD Sets or returns the video
trigger holdoff
TRIGger:A:VIDeo:LINE Sets or returns the video
line number on which the
oscilloscope triggers
TRIGger:A:VIDeo:POLarity Sets or returns the polarity of
the A video trigger
2-56 MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual