Command Groups
Table 2-15: Bus Commands (cont.)
Commands Description
BUS:B<x>:LIN:SOUrce Sets or returns the LIN data source
BUS:B<x>:LIN:STANDard Sets or returns the LIN standard
BUS:B<x>:PARallel:BIT<x>:SOUrce Sets or returns the Parallel bit source for the
specified bus
BUS:B<x>:PARallel:CLOCK:EDGE Sets or returns the Parallel clock edge for
the specified bus
BUS:B<x>:PARallel:CLOCK:ISCLOCKed Sets or returns the Parallel bus clock function
for the specified bus
BUS:B<x>:PARallel:CLOCK:SOUrce Sets or returns the Parallel clock source for
the specified bus
BUS:B<x>:PARallel:WIDth Sets or returns the width of the Parallel bus
BUS:B<x>:POSition Sets or returns the position of the specified
bus waveform
BUS:B<x>:RS232C:BITRate Sets or returns the RS-232 bit rate for the
specified bus
BUS:B<x>:RS232C:DATABits Sets or returns the number of bits for the
data frame
BUS:B<x>:RS232C:DELIMiter Sets or returns the RS-232 delimiting value
for a packet on the specified bus
BUS:B<x>:RS232C:DISplaymode Sets or returns the display mode for the
specified bus display and event table
BUS:B<x>:RS232C:PARity Sets or returns parity for RS-232 data
BUS:B<x>:RS232C:POLarity Sets or returns the RS-232C polarity for the
specified bus
BUS:B<x>:RS232C:RX:SOUrce Sets or returns the RS-232 RX source
BUS:B<x>:RS232C:TX:SOUrce Sets or returns the RS-232 TX Source
BUS:B<x>:SPI:BITOrder Sets or returns the bit order for the specified
SPI bus
BUS:B<x>:SPI{:CLOCK|:SCLK}:POLARity Sets or returns the SPI SCLK polarity
BUS:B<x>:SPI{:CLOCK|:SCLK}:SOUrce Sets or returns the SPI SCLK source
BUS:B<x>:SPI:DATA{:IN|:MISO}:POLARity Sets or returns the SPI MISO polarity
BUS:B<x>:SPI:DATA{:IN|:MISO}:SOUrce Sets or returns the SPI MISO source
Sets or returns the SPI MOSI polarity
BUS:B<x>:SPI:DATA{:OUT|:MOSI}:SOUrce Sets or returns the SPI MOSI source
BUS:B<x>:SPI:DATA:SIZe Sets or returns the number of bits per word
for the specified bus
BUS:B<x>:SPI:FRAMING Sets or returns the SPI framing type
BUS:B<x>:SPI:IDLETime Sets or returns the SPI bus idle time in
seconds for the specified bus
MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual 2-15