Commands Listed in Alphabetical Order
Sets or returns the measurement type defined for the specified measurem
ent slot.
The measurement slot is specified by <x>, which ranges from 1 through 4 .
Digital channel measurements do not have a user-settable midRef threshold. If
you specify a digital channel measurement that is not available on MSO models,
measurement error 2200: measurement system error occurs and 9.9e37 is returned.
{AMPlitude|AREa|BURst|CARe a|CMEan|CRMs|DE Lay|FALL|FREQuency
|HIGH|LOW|MAXimum|MEAN|MIN Imum|NDUty|NEDG ECount|NOVershoot
|POVershoot|PPULSECount|PW Idth|RISe|RMS}
AMPlitude measures the amplitude of the selected waveform. In other words, it
measures the high value less the low value measured over the entire waveform or
gated region. This measurement is applicable only to the analog channels.
Amplitude = High - Low
AREa measures the voltage over time. The area is over the entire waveform or
gated region and is measured in volt-seconds. The area measured above the
ground is positive, while the area below ground is negative. This measurement is
applicable only to the analog channels.
BURst measures the duration of a burst. The measurement is made over the entire
waveform or gated r egion.
CARea (cycle area) measures the voltage over time. In other words, it measures, in
volt-seconds, the area over the fi rst cycle in the waveform or the first cycle in the
gated region. The area m easured above the common reference point is positive,
while the area below the common reference point is negative. This measurement
is applicable only to the analog channels.
CMEan (cycle mean) measures the arithmetic mean over the first cycle in the
waveform or the first cycle in the gated region. This measurement is applicable
only to the analog channels.
CRMs (cycle rms) measures the true Root Mean Square voltage over the first
cycle in the waveform or the fi rst cycle in the gated region. This measurement is
applicable only to the analog channels.
MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual 2-223