Command Groups
Table 2-31: Trigger Commands (cont.)
TRIGger:A:VIDeo:SO Urce Sets or returns the p olarity of
the video trigger
TRIGger:A:VIDeo:STANdard Sets or returns the video
TRIGger:A:VIDeo{:SYNC |:FIELD} Sets or returns the video
field trigger
TRIGger:B Sets the B trigger level to
50% or returns the B trigger
TRIGger:B:BY Sets o r returns B trigger time
or event qualifiers
Returns B trigger edge type
TRIGger:B:EDGE:COUPling Sets or returns the type of B
trigger coupling
TRIGger:B:EDGE:SLOpe Sets or returns the B edge
trigger slope
TRIGger:B:EDGE:SOUrce Sets or returns the B edge
trigger source
Returns the current B trigger
events parameter
TRIGger:B:EVENTS:C OU Nt Sets or returns the number
of events that must occur
before the B trigger occurs
TRIGger:B:LEVel Sets or returns the level for
the B trigger
TRIGger:B:LEVel:CH<x> Sets or returns the level for
the B trigger for a specific
TRIGger:B:LEVel:D<x> Sets or returns the B trigger
level for digital channel <x>
TRIGger:B:LOWerthreshold:CH<x> Sets or returns the B trigger
lower threshold for the
channel selected
TRIGger:B:LOWerthreshold:D<x> Sets or queries the B trigger
lower threshold for the digital
channel selected
TRIGger:B:STATE Returns the current state of
the B trigger
TRIGger:B:TIMe Sets or returns the B trigger
delay time
TRIGger:B:TYPe Sets or returns the type of B
MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual 2-57