Indirect Addressing Mode
Addressing Modes
Table 6–2. Effects of the ARU Code on the Current Auxiliary Register
ARU Code
6 5 4
Arithmetic Operation Performed on Current AR
0 0 No operation on current AR
0 0 1 current AR – 1 → current AR
0 1 0 current AR + 1 → current AR
0 1 1 Reserved
1 0 0 current AR – AR0 → current AR [reverse carry propagation]
1 0 1 current AR – AR0 → current AR
1 1 0 current AR + AR0 → current AR
1 1 current AR + AR0 → current AR [reverse carry propagation]
N Next auxiliary register indicator. Bit 3 specifies whether the
instruction will change the ARP value.
N = 0 If N is 0, the content of the ARP will remain un-
N = 1 If N is 1, the content of NAR will be loaded into
the ARP, and the old ARP value is loaded into
the auxiliary register buffer (ARB) of status reg-
ister ST1.
NAR Next auxiliary register value. Bits 2 through 0 contain the
value of the next auxiliary register. NAR is loaded into the ARP
if N = 1.
Table 6–3 shows the opcode field bits and the notation used for indirect ad-
dressing. It also shows the corresponding operations performed on the current
auxiliary register and the ARP.