introduction 4-2
local data memory
description 4-7 to 4-10
pages of (diagram) 4-7
on-chip memory, advantages 4-2
organization 4-2
overview 2-7
pins for external interfacing 4-3
program memory 4-5 to 4-6
address generation logic 5-2
address sources 5-3
RAM (dual-access)
’C203 4-33
’C204 4-36
’C209 11-8
description 2-7
RAM (single-access)
configuration 11-7
description 2-8
reset conditions 5-33
’C204 4-36
’C209 11-7
introduction 2-8
memory instructions
block move from data memory to data memory
(BLDD) 7-49
block move from program memory to data
memory (BLPD) 7-54
move data after add PREG to accumulator, load
TREG, and multiply (MACD) 7-106
move data to next higher address in data
memory (DMOV) 7-66
move data, load TREG, and add PREG to accu-
mulator (LTD) 7-95
store long immediate value to data memory
(SPLK) 7-165
table read (TBLR) 7-186
table write (TBLW) 7-189
transfer data from data memory to I/O space
(OUT) 7-132
transfer data from I/O space to data memory
(IN) 7-69
transfer word from data memory to program
memory (TBLW) 7-189
transfer word from program memory to data
memory (TBLR) 7-186
memory-mapped registers, addresses and reset
values A-2
micro stack (MSTACK) 5-6
microprocessor/microcomputer pin (MP/MC
definition 4-4
use in configuring memory
’C204 4-36
’C209 11-7
MINT2 bit 5-27
MINT3 bit 5-26
MODE bit 5-26
used in HOLD operation 4-27
(microprocessor/microcomputer pin)
definition 4-4
use in configuring memory
’C204 4-36
’C209 11-7
MPY instruction 7-113
MPYA instruction 7-116
MPYS instruction 7-118
MPYU instruction 7-120
MSTACK (micro stack) 5-6
multicycle instructions 5-31
multiplication section of CPU 3-5
description 3-5
introduction 2-6
multiply instructions
multiply (include load to TREG) and accumulate
previous product (MAC) 7-102
multiply (include load to TREG), accumulate pre-
vious product, and move data (MACD) 7-106
multiply (MPY) 7-113
multiply and accumulate previous product
(MPYA) 7-116
multiply and subtract previous product
(MPYS) 7-118
multiply unsigned (MPYU) 7-120
square specified value after accumulating pre-
vious product (SQRA) 7-168
square specified value after subtracting previous
product from accumulator (SQRS) 7-170
NEG instruction 7-122
next auxiliary register 6-11