’C209 Interrupts
Figure 11–2.’C209 Interrupt Flag Register (IFR) — Data-Memory Address 0006h
15 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved TINT INT3 INT2 INT1
0 R/W1C–0 R/W1C–0 R/W1C–0 R/W1C–0
Note: 0 = Always read as zeros; R = Read access; W1C = Write 1 to this bit to clear it to 0;
value following dash (–) is value after reset.
Bits 15–4 Reserved. Bits 15–4 are reserved and are always read as 0s.
Bit 3 TINT — Timer interrupt flag. Bit 3 indicates whether interrupt TINT is pending
(whether TINT is requesting acknowledgment from the CPU).
TINT = 0 Interrupt TINT is not pending.
TINT = 1 Interrupt TINT is pending.
Bit 2 INT3 — Interrupt 3 flag. Bit 2 indicates whether INT3
is pending (whether INT3 is
requesting acknowledgment from the CPU).
INT3 = 0 INT3
is not pending.
INT3 = 1 INT3
is pending.
Bit 1 INT2 — Interrupt 2 flag. Bit 1 indicates whether INT2
is pending (whether INT2 is
requesting acknowledgment from the CPU).
INT2 = 0 INT2
is not pending.
INT2 = 1 INT2
is pending.
Bit 0 INT1 — Interrupt 1 flag. Bit 0 indicates whether INT1
is pending (whether INT1 is
requesting acknowledgment from the CPU).
INT1 = 0 INT1
is not pending.
INT1 = 1 INT1
is pending.