timer control register (TCR) 8-10 to 8-12
’C209 11-15
quick reference A-9
timer counter register (TIM) 8-12, F-23 to F-26
timer period register (PRD) 8-12, F-23 to F-26
timing calculations E-7 to E-9, E-18 to E-26
TINT bit
in interrupt flag register (IFR) 5-22
in interrupt mask register (IMR) 5-23
in interrupt flag register (IFR) 11-12
in interrupt mask register (IMR) 11-13
TINT interrupt
flag bit 5-22
mask bit 5-23
priority 5-16
vector location 5-16
flag bit 11-12
mask bit 11-13
priority 11-10
vector location 11-10
definition F-23
TMS signal E-2, E-3, E-4, E-5, E-6, E-7, E-8, E-13,
E-17, E-18, E-19, E-25
TMS/TDI inputs E-4
TMS320 devices
applications 1-4
evolution (figure) 1-3
overview 1-2
TMS320 ROM code submittal, flow chart D-2
TMS320C1x/C2x/C2xx/C5x instruction set compari-
sons B-1 to B-36
TMS320C209 device 11-1 to 11-18
comparison to other ’C2xx devices 11-2
differences in interrupts 11-3
differences in memory and I/O spaces 11-3
differences in peripherals 11-2
similarities 11-2
interrupts 11-10
locating ’C209 information in this manual
(table) 11-3
memory and I/O spaces 11-5
on-chip peripherals 11-14
transmit interrupt
asynchronous serial port 10-17
enabling/disabling (TIM bit) 10-8
synchronous serial port 9-6
transmit pin
asynchronous serial port (TX) 10-4
output level between transmissions (SETBRK
bit) 10-8
synchronous serial port (DX) 9-4
transmit register
asynchronous serial port (ADTR) 10-4
detecting when empty (THRE bit) 10-11
detecting when it and AXSR are empty (TEMT
bit) 10-10
synchronous serial port (SDTR) 9-5
transmit shift register
asynchronous serial port (AXSR) 10-5
detecting when it and ADTR are empty (TEMT
bit) 10-10
synchronous serial port (XSR) 9-5
TRAP instruction 7-192
introduction 5-28
vector location
’C203/C204 5-17
’C209 11-11
TRB bit
’C203/C204 8-11
’C209 11-15
TREG (temporary register) 3-6
TREG instructions
load accumulator using shift specified by TREG
(LACT) 7-78
load TREG (LT) 7-91
load TREG and add PREG to accumulator
(LTA) 7-93
load TREG and store PREG to accumulator
(LTP) 7-98
load TREG and subtract PREG from accumulator
(LTS) 7-100
load TREG, add PREG to accumulator, and
move data (LTD) 7-95
load TREG, add PREG to accumulator, and mul-
tiply (MAC) 7-102
load TREG, add PREG to accumulator, multiply,
and move data (MACD) 7-106
signal E-2, E-3, E-6, E-7, E-13, E-17, E-18,