pipeline: A method of executing instructions in an assembly line fashion.
The ’C2xx pipeline has four independent phases. During a given CPU
cycle, four different instructions can be active, each at a different stage
of completion. See also
instruction-fetch phase
operand-fetch phase; instruction-execute phase
PLL: Phase lock loop circuit.
PM bits: See
product shift mode bits (PM).
power-down mode: The mode in which the processor enters a dormant
state and dissipates considerably less power than during normal opera-
tion. This mode is initiated by the execution of an IDLE instruction. During
a power-down mode, all internal contents are maintained so that opera-
tion continues unaltered when the power-down mode is terminated. The
contents of all on-chip RAM also remains unchanged.
Timer period register
. A 16-bit memory-mapped register that specifies
the main period for the on-chip timer. When the timer counter register
(TIM) is decremented past zero, the TIM is loaded with the value in the
PRD. See also
program read bus (PRDB).
product register (PREG).
prescaler counter: See
product register (PREG): A 32-bit register that holds the results of a multi-
ply operation.
product shifter: A 32-bit shifter that performs a 0-, 1-, or 4-bit left shift, or
a 6-bit right shift of the multiplier product based on the value of the prod-
uct shift mode bits (PM).
product shift mode: One of four modes (no-shift, shift-left-by-one, shift-left-
by-four, or shift-right-by-six) used by the product shifter.
product shift mode bits (PM): Bits 0 and 1 of status register ST1; they iden-
tify which of four shift modes (no-shift, left-shift-by-one, left-shift-by-four,
or right-shift-by-six) will be used by the product shifter.
program address bus (PAB): A 16-bit internal bus that provides the ad-
dresses for program-memory reads and writes.
program-address generation logic: Logic circuitry that generates the ad-
dresses for program memory reads and writes, and an operand address
in instructions that require two registers to address operands. This cir-
cuitry can generate one address per machine cycle. See also
dress generation logic.