OUT instruction 7-132
output modes
external count E-20
signal event E-20
output shifter 3-11
OV (overflow flag bit) 3-16
overflow in accumulator
detecting (OV bit) 3-16
enabling/disabling overflow mode (OVM
bit) 3-17
overflow in synchronous serial port
burst mode 9-29
continuous mode 9-30
detecting (OVF bit) 9-10
overflow mode bit (OVM) 3-17
effects on accumulator 3-10
OVF bit 9-10
PAB (program address bus)
definition 2-3
used in program-memory address genera-
tion 5-3
PAC instruction 7-134
packages, available types 1-7
pages of data memory, figure 6-4
PAL E-21, E-22, E-24
PAR (program address register)
definition F-16
shown in figure 5-2
parallel I/O ports 4-23
PC (program counter) 5-3
description 5-3
loading 5-4
shown in figure 5-2
peripherals (on-chip)
asynchronous serial port 10-1 to 10-20
available types 1-7
clock generator 8-4 to 8-6
’C209 clock options 11-14 to 11-18
control of 8-2 to 8-3
general-purpose I/O pins 8-17 to 8-20
overview 2-11
register locations and reset values 8-2
reset conditions 5-34, 8-2
synchronous serial port 9-1 to 9-30
peripherals (on-chip)
timer 8-8 to 8-13
wait-state generator 8-14 to 8-16
’C209 11-16 to 11-18
phase lock loop (PLL) 8-4
asynchronous serial port 10-4
clock generator
CLKIN/X2 8-4
CLKMOD 11-14
DIV1 and DIV2 8-5
X1 8-4
BIO 8-17
IO0–IO3 10-15
XF 8-18
I/O and memory 4-3
IACK (’C209) 11-13
memory and I/O 4-3
READY 8-14
synchronous serial port 9-4
timer (TOUT) 8-8
wait-state (READY) 8-14
pipeline, operation 5-7
PM (product shift mode bits) 3-17
POP instruction 7-135
pop operation (diagram) 5-6
POPD instruction 7-137
power saving features 1-7
power-down mode 5-36
PRD F-23
PRD (timer period register) 8-12, F-23 to F-26
PRDB (program read bus) 2-3
PREG (product register) 3-6
PREG instructions
add PREG to accumulator (APAC) 7-37
add PREG to accumulator and load TREG
(LTA) 7-93
add PREG to accumulator and multiply
(MPYA) 7-116
add PREG to accumulator and square specified
value (SQRA) 7-168
add PREG to accumulator, load TREG, and
move data (LTD) 7-95
add PREG to accumulator, load TREG, and mul-
tiply (MAC) 7-102
add PREG to accumulator, load TREG, multiply,
and move data (MACD) 7-106