Instruction Set Summary
Assembly Language Instructions
Table 7–2. Auxiliary Register Instructions
Mnemonic Description Words Cycles Opcode
ADRK Add constant to current AR,
short immediate
1 1 0111 1000 IIII IIII
BANZ Branch on current AR not-zero,
2 4 (condition true)
2 (condition false)
0111 1011 1AAA AAAA
+ 1 word
CMPR Compare current AR with AR0 1 1 1011 1111 0100 01CM
Load specified AR from
specified data location,
direct or indirect
1 2 0000 0ARX IAAA AAAA
Load specified AR with
constant, short immediate
1 2 1011 0ARX IIII IIII
Load specified AR with
constant, long immediate
2 2 1011 1111 0000 1ARX
+ 1 word
MAR Modify current AR and/or ARP,
indirect (performs no operation
when direct)
1 1 1000 1011 IAAA AAAA
SAR Store specified AR to specified
data location, direct or indirect
1 1 1000 0ARX IAAA AAAA
Subtract constant from current
AR, short immediate
1 1 0111 1100 IIII IIII
Table 7–3. TREG, PREG, and Multiply Instructions
Mnemonic Description Words Cycles Opcode
APAC Add PREG to ACC 1 1 1011 1110 0000 0100
LPH Load high PREG, direct or indirect 1 1 0111 0101 IAAA AAAA
LT Load TREG, direct or indirect 1 1 0111 0011 IAAA AAAA
LTA Load TREG and accumulate previous product,
direct or indirect
1 1 0111 0000 IAAA AAAA
LTD Load TREG, accumulate previous product, and
move data, direct or indirect
1 1 0111 0010 IAAA AAAA
LTP Load TREG and store PREG in accumulator,
direct or indirect
1 1 0111 0001 IAAA AAAA
Load TREG and subtract previous product,
direct or indirect
1 1 0111 0100 IAAA AAAA