Instruction Set Summary
Table 7–3. TREG, PREG, and Multiply Instructions (Continued)
Mnemonic OpcodeCyclesWordsDescription
MAC Multiply and accumulate, direct or indirect 2 3 1010 0010 IAAA AAAA
+ 1 word
MACD Multiply and accumulate with data move, direct or
2 3 1010 0011 IAAA AAAA
+ 1 word
MPY Multiply TREG by data value, direct or indirect 1 1 0101 0100 IAAA AAAA
Multiply TREG by 13-bit constant, short immediate 1 1 110I IIII IIII IIII
MPYA Multiply and accumulate previous product, direct or
1 1 0101 0000 IAAA AAAA
MPYS Multiply and subtract previous product, direct or in-
1 1 0101 0001 IAAA AAAA
MPYU Multiply unsigned, direct or indirect 1 1 0101 0101 IAAA AAAA
PAC Load ACC with PREG 1 1 1011 1110 0000 0011
SPAC Subtract PREG from ACC 1 1 1011 1110 0000 0101
SPH Store high PREG, direct or indirect 1 1 1000 1101 IAAA AAAA
SPL Store low PREG, direct or indirect 1 1 1000 1100 IAAA AAAA
SPM Set product shift mode 1 1 1011 1111 0000 00PM
SQRA Square and accumulate previous product, direct or
1 1 0101 0010 IAAA AAAA
Square and subtract previous product, direct or
1 1 0101 0011 IAAA AAAA
Table 7–4. Branch Instructions
Mnemonic Description Words Cycles Opcode
B Branch unconditionally, indirect 2 4 0111 1001 1AAA AAAA
+ 1 word
BACC Branch to address specified by
1 4 1011 1110 0010 0000
BANZ Branch on current AR not-zero,
2 4 (condition true)
2 (condition false)
0111 1011 1AAA AAAA
+ 1 word
BCND Branch conditionally 2 4 (conditions true)
2 (any condition false)
+ 1 word
Call subroutine at location
specified by ACC
1 4 1011 1110 0011 0000