data memory select pin (DS
definition 4-3
shown in figure 4-10, 4-13
data page 0 4-8
caution about test/emulation addresses 4-8
data page pointer (DP)
caution about initializing DP 6-5
definition 3-16
load (LDP instruction) 7-83
role in direct addressing 6-4
data read bus (DRDB) 2-3
data write bus (DWEB) 2-3
data-read address bus (DRAB) 2-3
data-scaling shifter
at input of CALU 3-3
at output of CALU 3-11
data-write address bus (DWAB) 2-3
delta interrupts
description 10-17
enabling/disabling (DIM bit) 10-8
device reset 5-33
diagnostic applications E-24
digital loopback mode 9-28
DIM bit 10-8
12-pin header E-20
14-pin header E-14
mechanical, 14-pin header E-14
DIO0–DIO3 (bits), detecting change on pins
IO0–IO3 10-16
direct addressing
description 6-4
examples 6-6
figure 6-5
opcode format 6-5 to 6-7
role of data page pointer (DP) 6-4
direct memory access (using HOLD opera-
tion) 4-27
during reset 4-29
example 4-28
terminating correctly 4-29
DIV1 and DIV2 pins 8-5, F-7
divide (SUBC instruction) 7-180
DLB bit 9-12
DMOV instruction 7-66
DP (data page pointer)
caution about initializing DP 6-5
definition 3-16
load (LDP instruction) 7-83
role in direct addressing 6-4
DR bit 10-11
DR pin 9-4
DRAB (data-read address bus) 2-3
DRDB (data read bus) 2-3
(data memory select pin)
definition 4-3
shown in figure 4-10, 4-13
DSWS bit(s)
’C203/C204 8-15
’C209 11-17
dual-access RAM (DARAM) F-6
’C203 4-33
’C204 4-36
’C209 11-8
description 2-7
DuPont connector E-2
DWAB (data-write address bus) 2-3
DWEB (data write bus) 2-3
DX pin 9-4
configuration E-21, E-23, E-24
emulation pins E-20
IN signals E-21
rising edge modification E-22
EMU0/1 signals E-2, E-3, E-6, E-7, E-13, E-18
configuring multiple processors E-13
JTAG cable E-1
pins E-20
timing calculations E-7 to E-9, E-18 to E-26
using scan path linkers E-16
emulation capability 2-13
emulation modes (FREE and SOFT bits)
asynchronous serial port 10-7
synchronous serial port 9-8
timer 8-11
emulation timing E-7