• If the flexible shaft is bent, the play
of the throttle wire changes. When
you adjust the idling, bend the
flexible shaft and adjust the idling
in a standing position similar to the
position in which you actually use
the machine.
How to adjust the idling revolution
Warm up the engine at a medium
speed for a few minutes after starting
it. Turn the idling adjustment screw
on the carburetor body using the
screwdriver supplied as a standard
accessory, and adjust the idling
revolution speed to an appropriate
value (when the throttle lever is
returned to its original position, the
blade does not rotate, and the engine
does not stop).
The engine revolution speed
increases when you turn the idling
adjustment screw clockwise, and
decreases when you turn it
Standard idling revolution speed:
2,300 to 2,700 rpm
(1) Idling adjustment screw
(2) Rotation increases.
(3) Rotation decreases.