MSAP2000 AAMS User’s Guide
Figure 97 ADSL Profile Loopback Example
ras> adsl loopback 1 f5 0 33
line 1 oam loopback success!
26.3.11 Line Diagnostics Set Command
adsl linediag setld <port number>
This command has the MSAP2000 AAMS perform line diagnostics on the
specified port. The ADSL port must be set to ADSL2 or ADSL2+ ADSL
operational mode and have a connection. It takes about one minute for the line
diagnostics to finish.
The following example performs line diagnostics on ADSL port 1. The screen
displays a message confirming upon which ADSL port line diagnostics will be
Figure 98 ADSL Line Diagnostics Set Command Example
ras> adsl linediag setld 1
Line- 1 set to Line Diagnostic Mode
26.3.12 Line Diagnostics Get Command
adsl linediag getld <port number>
Use this command to display the line diagnostics results after using the line
diagnostics set command on an ADSL port. Use the line diagnostics results to
analyze problems with the physical ADSL line.
Note: Wait at least one minute after using the line diagnostic set command
before using the line diagnostics set command.
The following example displays the line diagnostics results for ADSL port 1.