MSAP2000 AAMS User’s Guide
The atur information fields show data acquired from the ATUR (ADSL Termination
Unit – Remote), in this case the subscriber’s ADSL modem or router, during
negotiation/ provisioning message interchanges. This information can help in
identifying the subscriber’s ADSL modem or router.
The vendor ID, vendor version number and product serial number are obtained
from vendor
ID fields (see ITU-T G.994.1) or R-MSGS1 (see T1.413).
29.4.4 ADSL Lineperf Command
statistics adsl lineperf <portlist>
= You can specify a single ADSL port <1>, all ADSL ports
<*> or a list of ADSL ports <1,3,5>. You can also
include a range of ports <1,5,6~10>.
This command shows the line performance counters of an ADSL port.
An example is shown next.
Figure 145 Lineperf Command Example
ras> statistics adsl lineperf 1
[port 1] Perf since boot up
nfebe-I/nfebe-ni : 0/ 0 (Far End CRC)
ncrc-I/ncrc-ni : 0/ 0 (Near End CRC)
nfecc-I/nfecc-ni : 4524/ 0 (Far End Corrected FEC) nfec-
I/nfec-ni : 0/ 0 (Near End Corrected FEC) nblks-
ds/nblks-us: 0/ 0
init-ds/init-us : 2/ 2
n-es-ds/n-es-us : 46/ 150
n-ses-ds/n-ses-us: 46/ 43
n-uas-ds/n-uas-us: 36/ 36
n-lpr-ds/n-lpr-us: -/ 0
These counters display line performance data that has been accumulated since
the system started. The definitions of near end/far end are relative to the ATU-C
(ADSL Termination Unit-Central Office). Downstream (ds) refers to data from the
ATU-C and upstream (us) refers to data from the ATU-R. “I” stands for interleaved
and “ni” stands for non-interleaved (fast mode).