MSAP2000 AAMS User’s Guide
This command allows the configuration of a PVC (permanent virtual circuit)
for one or a range of ADSL ports.
The following example sets a PVC on ADSL port 1 with VPI 1, VCI 34, default VID
priority 3 and the DEFVAL_VC profile.
Figure 106 PVC Set Command Example
ras> adsl pvc set 1 1 34 100 3 DEFVAL_VC
26.5.3 PVC Delete Command
adsl pvc delete <portlist> <vpi> <vci>
= You can specify a single ADSL port <1>, all ADSL ports
<*> or a list of ADSL ports <1,3,5>. You can also
include a range of ports <1,5,6~10>.
[<vpi> <vci>]
= The VPI and VCI of an individual PVC.
This command deletes the specified PVC channel.