MSAP2000 AAMS User’s Guide
Enter the User name (just press [ENTER]).
Enter the management password (1234 by default).
Password: 1234
230 Logged in
ftp> put xxx.dat config-0
Quit FTP.
ftp> quit
Wait for the update to finish. The system restarts automatically.
31.4 Firmware File Upgrade
Use the following procedure to upload firmware to the MSAP2000 AAMS.
Use an FTP client to connect to the MSAP2000 AAMS.
C:\> ftp <MSAP2000 AAMS IP address>
Enter the User name (just press [ENTER]).
Enter the management password (1234 by default).
Password: 1234
230 Logged in
Transfer the firmware file to the MSAP2000 AAMS. The firmware file on your
computer (that you want to put onto the MSAP2000 AAMS) is named
firmware.bin. The internal firmware file on the MSAP2000 AAMS is named
ftp> put firmware.bin ras
Quit FTP.
ftp> quit
Wait for the update to finish. The MSAP2000 AAMS restarts automatically.