
ARS Restriction:
Special restrictions on each station may be imposed when the call is routed by the ARS
feature. Facility Restriction Levels (FRLs) are used to restrict access to trunk groups. An
FRL is a single digit (0, 1, 2, 3). A terminal assigned an FRL of 0 has the least privileges, a
terminal assigned an FRI. of 3, the most.
An FRL is also assigned to each route in each
ARS routing pattern.
The terminal’s FRI. must be equal to or greater than the route’s FRL
in order to use that facility.
Restrictions are used whenever it is necessary to restrict certain users from accessing
designated facilities.
A typical application is to deny most stations dial access to all trunk
groups. This forces callers to use the ARS feature, which should result in reduced toll
Automatic Route Selection: The use of the ARS feature will not allow users to
avoid restrictions. Outward Restriction and Toll Restriction, when administered, can
prevent calls originating at associated voice terminals from routing via ARS.
Facility access restrictions, however, are circumvented.
Direct Facility Access: Toll restricted stations receive standard toll restriction
treatment on all Direct Facility Access (FACILITY) buttons.
Personal Lines: Personal Lines are subject to the toll restriction options of the
stations on which they appear.
Repertory Dialing: A user cannot use Repertory Dialing to access a number that
he/she is restricted from dialing.
Speed Dialing: A user cannot use Speed Dialing to access a numberthathe/she is
restricted from dialing.
Transfer: A non-restricted user (typically the attendant) can transfer a CO trunk to
an outward restricted or toll restricted station, giving the station outward service.
The toll restriction class of the transferring station will apply for calls placed over a
transferred trunk.
Administration Requirements
Terminal (Station Port):
Restrict access to CO trunk pool (Yes, No) - Default = No
Restrict access to all other trunk pools (Yes, No) - Default = No
Restrict outward calls (Yes, No) - Default = No
ARS Facility Restriction Level (Level Number 0-3) - Default = 3
Specify Toll Restriction Class (Class Number 1-4, None) - Default = None (not