
Terminal Equipment
Terminal equipment is connected to System 25 station (voice or data) ports. It is made up of
the following groups:
Voice Terminals
Multiline (MERLIN sets and MET sets)
Voice Terminal Adjuncts
Attendant Consoles
Asynchronous Data Units (for interface with data terminals).
This subsection provides information on all components in each group or contains references
to the Section where information can be found.
Voice Terminals
System 25 supports a wide range of voice terminals, including industry standard touch-tone
single-line sets and MERLIN rnultiline sets.
In addition to providing basic telephone service (placing and answering calls), voice
terminals can also be used to activate many system features.
The voice terminals supported
by System 25 are listed in Table 4-C and described in individual subsections.
Single-Line Voice Terminals
Single-1ine voice terminals can have only one call appearing at the terminal at a time.
All information (voice and control signals) transmitted to and from a single-line voice
terminal is in analog form over a single pair of wires (called tip and ring). Power for these
voice terminals is also provided over this pair.
The ZTN78 Tip Ring Line CP or TN742
Analog Line CP converts the analog signals to digital format before placing them on the
TDM bus. The dial pad on the single-line voice terminals is a touch-tone pad that generates
Dual Tone Multifrequeney (DTMF) signals.
The following subsections provide descriptions and illustrations of the single-line voice
terminals supported by System 25.
Model 500 Series (V2)
The Model 500 Series consists of conventional rotary dial telephones. They are recommended
for use as a Power Failure Transfer (PFT) stations if the PFT trunk does not support
touch-tone dialing.
A 55A1 Ground Start button must be used with these sets if the PFT
trunk is ground start. Rotary set users cannot do any procedures that require pressing the *
or # buttons.
The following 500 Series sets are supported by System 25; these sets are
similar in appearance to the 2500 sets shown in Figure 4-4 except for their rotary dials.
Model 500MM-Basic desk set
Model 500SM—Desk set with 4A Speakerphone compatibility
Model 554BMPA—Basic wall set.