
When the user makes a data call from a data terminal, voice terminal dialing and call
progress tones are replaced by keyboard dialing and call progress messages. The message
“DIAL:” prompts the user to enter the called number from the keyboard, and “RINGING” or
“DIALING . . .
COMPLETED” informs the user that the dialed number is being called.
Table 2-H provides a list of the call progress messages.
Note: The following dialing procedures assume that “Command Mode” is active. Refer
to the subsection on “Expert Mode” for an alternative method of dialing.
Dialed Characters:
In addition to digits and the “#” and
“*” characters on the touch-tone pad, the dialed
number may contain the following special characters:
The characters “(” “)” “-
and SPACE may be used to improve legibility. These
characters are ignored.
The “%” or
“,” characters may be used to cause a 1.5-second pause in dialing.
Multiple pause characters can be used to produce longer pauses.
The “$” (mark) character indicates that the remaining digits are for end-to-end
UNDERSCORE or BACKSPACE characters may be used to correct previously typed
characters on the same line.
The “@” character may be used to delete the entire line and start over with a new
DIAL: prompt.
Each line of dialing information may contain up to 27 characters. Note that all of the
dialing information, including pauses and ignored characters, must be typed on a single line
following the DIAL: prompt and terminated by Return.
Dialing Correction:
The backspace character (BS key or Ctrl-H keys) or underscore (“_’”) may be used to cancel
the previously entered character.
More than one entered character may be deleted by using
multiple backspace or underscore characters.
The “G” character may be used to delete the
entire line of entered characters.
To assist the completion of off-premises calls, the pause characters “%” or “,” may be used.
A pause character may be used to help ensure the receipt of dial tone before continuing to
dial. Each “%” or
“,” causes a fixed delay of one and one-half (1.5) seconds.
characters may be used consecutively if a longer pause is required. Note that System 25
cannot detect tones, such as a second dial tone for end-to-end signaling.