
. Personal Lines (Trunk Appearances) on DTACs : All calls to trunks having an
appearance in either of the two leftmost button columns will ring normally at the
inactive console.
All calls to trunks having appearances in either of the two
rightmost button columns will not ring.
If these trunks also have an appearance at
the active console, they will ring there even if they do not normally.
Program: The Program feature remains active at the inactive console.
. Programmable Buttons:
All DSS, Flex DSS, and REP DIAL buttons remain
active on the inactive console.
Administration Requirements
Voice Terminal: (Station Port)
Assign Position Busy button on DTAC. A Position Busy button is defaulted to the
SLAC; it can be assigned to another feature if desired.
Assign COVER-IND buttons between consoles (DTAC only).
Hardware Requirements