
Provides a private communications link between System 25 and another PBX.
Incoming tie trunk calls may be directed to the attendant, to a voice terminal, or to a data
endpoint. Service may be either automatic, immediate dial, delay dial, or wink start. Dial
pulse or touch-tone signalings supported on both incoming and outgoing calls (and maybe
different for incoming and outgoing calls).
Tie Trunks provide for efficient communications between company employees at different
locations. This provides a private network whose control and utilization can be managed.
Tie trunks can be administered for tandem trunking in R1V2. This arrangement enables
users to call through an intermediate System 25 to a remote System 25 or other PBX. Refer
to the “Tandem Trunking” subsection for more information.
Conference: A tie trunk that is part of a conference counts as one of two allowable
outside parties.
Direct Group Calling: Only automatic incoming tie trunks can be directed to a
DGC group; however, they are not eligible for DGC delay announcement. Dial-in tie
trunks can access DGC groups, but are not eligible for queuing (that is, if the DGC
group is busy, Busy Tone is returned to the caller).
Night Service: Dial-in tie trunks cannot serve as Night Service trunks.
Personal Lines: When a dial-in tie trunk is assigned as a Personal Line and the
line is used for outgoing service at the same time that a call is coming in on the line,
the terminal may be connected to the incoming call even though the call is intended
for another terminal that shares the line.
For this reason, it is recommended that
tie trunks not be assigned as Personal Lines.
Administration Requirements
Trunk Port:
Assign Trunk Type And Number
Assign Class Of Service Code - (0-15)
Assign Facility Access Code - Default = 102
Allow Dial Access (Yes, No) - Default = Yes
For Auto-in Type Only–Assign To DGC Group (Group Number l-32, or 0 for none) -
Default = 0
Make This a Directed Night Service Trunk (Yes, No) - Default = Yes