
TN758 Pooled Modern
Provides two integrated 212-modem compatible conversion resources for switched
connections between analog endpoints (modems), or a digital endpoint and an analog
endpoint. A maximum of two TN758s (4 conversion resources) is permitted in each
Station Port Circuit Packs
TN726 Data Line
Provides eight ports for Asynchronous Data Units
(ADUs). Used for in-building
service within 2000 feet of the system cabinets.
Data speeds from 300 bps to 19.2
Kbps are supported. Service beyond 2000 feet at less than 19.2 Kbps is supported; see
Section 5 “Technical Specifications.”
Extends a serial communications link from the
system to data equipment over standard station wiring.
TN735 MET Line
Provides four ports for Multibutton Electronic Telephone (MET) sets. Used for in-
building service within 1000 feet of the system cabinets.
TN742 Analog Line
Provides eight ports for single-line voice terminals with or without a message
waiting lamp. Also supports Off Premises Stations (OPS) and out-of-building
service. Auxiliary equipment interfaces are also supported. Used for service within
24,000 feet of the system cabinets.
Five voice terminals can be bridged onto each
port. Only two terminals can be off-hook simultaneously on each port, otherwise
transmission can be degraded.
Note: The Off-Premises-Stations must be FCC registered.
ZTN78 Tip Ring Line
Provides eight ports for single-line sets with or without message waiting lamps.
Used for in-building nonbridged voice terminal service within 2000 feet of the system
Note: Equipment connected to the ZTN78 Tip Ring Line CP must meet the
following requirements:
AC impedance: 600 ohms
DC current: Less than 30ma at 48 volts
Ringer Equivalence Number (REN): Less than 1.15 (Set plus adjuncts)
ZTN79 ATL Line
Provides eight ports for MERLIN® voice terminals.
Used for service within 1000 feet
(305 m) of the system cabinets.
Off-premises extensions are not supported. Out-Of-
Building stations require In-Building and In-Range Out-of-Building (IROB) units.
ZTN84 STARLAN Interface (V2)
Provides four ports for interface with AT&T STARLAN NETWORKs. It supports
four connections between data endpoints connected to the PBX and data endpoints
connected to the STARLAN NETWORK. The Network Extension Unit must be
colocated with the System 25 cabinets.