
Allows multiline voice terminal users to turn off their ringers and invoke a “do not disturb”
condition toward incoming calls.
In addition, users who have coverage will have those calls
directed immediately to coverage, without the normal system ringing delay. Send All Calls
also allow-s covering users to temporarily remove their voice terminals from the coverage
This feature is activated by pressing the SEND ALL CALLS button. It
iS deactivated by
pressing the button a second time.
Send All Calls gives the user the option of having incoming calls sent directly to coverage or
making the terminal busy to incoming calls without sending them to coverage. The feature
is intended for occasional or temporary use.
Send All Calls must be assigned to a button that has a status light. The light turns on when
the feature is in effect.
The following types of calls always ring at a station,
regardless of the status of Send All
Automatic Intercom calls.
Directed Night Service calls.
Calls to a PDC that is logged in at the station.
Note: Calls to an FPDC do not ring when Send All Calls is in effect.
Calls returning to a DTAC on RTN-BUSY or RTN-DA buttons.
Send All Calls cannot be assigned to a SLAC. The Attendant Position Busy feature provides
a similar capability.
When Send All Calls is in effect at a station, and incoming calls are directed to coverage,
ringing at the sending station is not necessarily canceled completely. A single-ring reminder
for incoming calls is optional, assigned by the System Administrator for each Send All Calls
On calls to non-busy stations where Send All Calls has been activated, the callers hear
ringing until a covering station answers,
or, if the station is not covered, until the call is
Call Coverage (General): Send All Calls works in conjunction with the Call
Coverage features at covered and covering stations.
At stations not associated with
Call Coverage, Send All Calls simply serves to silence the ringer on incoming calls; no
redirection occurs.