
Call Pickup: When an Automatic Intercom call is picked up via Call Pickup, the
AUTO ICOM status LED on the called voice terminal lights steadily. The called
party can press AUTO ICOM to enter the call at any time.
Direct Group Calling: Automatic Intercom calls cannot be directed to DGC groups.
Exclusion: Any attempt to engage Exclusion while active on an Automatic Intercom
call will drop the other party.
Last Number Dialed (V2): Numbers called using an AUTO ICOM button are not
saved by the Last Number Dialed feature.
Line Selection (Prime Line Preference): When the Automatic Intercom line is
assigned Prime Line status, the AUTO ICOM button must be pressed to activate the
busy-to-idle reminder even though the I-use LED is already lighted steadily.
Administration Requirements
Voice Terminal: (Station Port)
Assign AUTO ICOM buttons to voice terminals in pairs. Voice terminals can have
several AUTO ICOM buttons assigned for direct access to multiple stations.
Hardware Requirements