
60 Chapter 2 Service tools EN
Formatter diagnostics
Formatter diagnostics are designed to be used by qualified service
personnel. This set of tests are designed to thoroughly test the
functionality of the formatter. If all the tests pass, the formatter is
working correctly and it is likely that the problem resides elsewhere.
Listed below are descriptions of the formatter tests available.
NVRAM can be lost if the printer is turned off during testing.
In the 4550 series, you can abort a test run by pressing the [CANCEL
OB] key and holding it down until the display shows the menu again.
In some cases, it will take several seconds. To cancel the NVRAM
test while it is running, press the [C
ANCEL JOB] key and hold it down
until the display show the menu again. NVRAM is put back in its
original form, and an error is logged in the Fault log.
When the Attention LED is on, then there ahs been an error in the
test. Press the [M
ENU] key to get to the Fault log menu, the [ITEM] key
to see the different log messages, and the [-V
ALUE+] key to scroll the
message back and forth.