
Ink System Overview 3-3
UV Lamps The printer’s two UV lamps (on the left and right sides of the
printhead carriage) emit the high-intensity ultraviolet light that is
necessary to cure the UV ink. The lamps have shutters, which
close when lamps are not over the media. This prevents the light
from causing the ink in the drip tray, on the printheads, and else-
where off the media from curing.
You should be aware of the following characteristics of these
lamps when operating the printer:
WARNING UV light hazard. The UV parking station must be
installed during printing. Excess exposure to high-
intensity UV light can result in photokeratitis (also
known as snowblindness or welder’s flash). AVOID
VORSICHT UV Licht hoher Intensität. Bitte vermeiden Sie es,
direkt in die Lampen zu schauen.
UV light exposure — the printer is designed with shields,
louvers, and other features to protect the operator from
exposing the eyes and skin to high levels of UV radiation. Do
not look directly at the UV light.
High/low lamp operation — the UV lamps are operated at
high intensity only when curing the ink. When the carriage is
not directly over the media, the lamps are switched to a
lower intensity.
Warm-up/cool down cycle — the UV lamps take about one
minute to warm up to operating temperature, and about
three minutes to cool down fully. After printing, the lamps
must fully complete their controlled cool-down cycle before
warming up again for the next print job (for a total elapsed
time of about four minutes). During each cycle, a countdown
timer that shows the time remaining appears on the control
To save time, you can manually switch on or off the lamps on
via the control panel (Tools > Turn UV Lamps On/Off).