4-4 AutoTune
AutoTune AutoTune runs AutoJet maintenance automatically at intervals
you specify. You can use the Quality Check Mode feature to han-
dle AutoJet errors (with or without user intervention). AutoTune
is shown on the menu only when roll-fed media is loaded.
1. On the Front Page screen, Calibrate key, then press Auto-
Tune on the menu.
The control panel displays the AutoTune status (off or cur-
rent interval).
2. Press , or ) to set the AutoTune interval.
3. Press ! (Proceed).
The control panel displays a confirmation message:
Setting completed.
4. Press the (Menu Out) key repeatedly until the Front Page
screen is displayed. Press the Online/Offline button to return
the printer to the Ready state.
Note When AutoTune is enabled, it will be executed as
scheduled regardless of whether you initiate it man-
ually from the control panel.
Quality Check When you run AutoJet manually, the software notifies you if
there are any jet or alignment problems so that they can be
addressed. When AutoTune runs AutoJet at scheduled intervals,
you can use the Quality Check feature to handle AutoJet errors.
When Quality Check is enabled, if any missing jets are found
that are not substituted by a working jet, or if the BiDi calibration
has not been performed, the operator can be alerted by the con-
trol panel or the job can be routed to the Attention queue on the
HP print server.
1. On the Front Page screen, press the Settings key, then
press Quality Check from the menu.
The control panel displays the Quality Check options.