Manual Calibrations 4-13
Manual BiDi Registration Bidirectional registration is a method to align each of the print-
heads so that dot placement is accurate in both directions along
the X axis (along the direction of printhead travel).
The bidirectional registration pattern consists of a series of verti-
cal lines. Half the pixels in this pattern are printed in one direc-
tion, half of them in the other direction. When the pixels are
accurately aligned, the pattern is clear. When the dots are not
aligned, the pattern appears fuzzy and ill-defined.
Note AutoBiDi Calibration is the automatic version of this
calibration. Try AutoBiDi first before running this
manual calibration (see “Auto Calibrations” on page
4-6 for details).
1. Press the Calibrate key from the Front Page screen, then
press Manual Calibrations in the menu.
2. Press Manual BiDi Registration on the menu.
The control panel displays this prompt:
Print a manual bidi registration page?
3. Press ! (Proceed).
The printer prints the calibration pattern you selected.
4. When the calibration page has printed, the control panel dis-
plays this prompt:
Bidi registration
Head 1: 0
5. Examine the BiDi Registration pattern for the current head,
and determine which pattern is the closest to perfectly