
AutoJet 4-3
AutoJet AutoJet detects individual inkjets that are misfiring or not firing at
all. During subsequent printing, the printer compensates for
these jets by using other jets in their place, ensuring maximum
print quality without reducing print speed.
You can also identify and map missing jets manually from the
Manual Calibrations menu (see “Manual Jet Mapping” on page
4-16). You may want to manually map weak or misdirected jets
that AutoJet does not detect and substitute.
Jet replacement is not available in Billboard mode.
To run AutoJet:
Select AutoJet Calibration from the Auto Calibrations menu
(see “Auto Calibrations” on page 4-6), or
Run AutoJet automatically with the AutoTune scheduler (see
“AutoTune” on page 4-4)
Tip AutoJet does not work with transparent media, nor
with many translucent media. In this case, run Man-
ual Jet Mapping, or map jets on opaque media
before loading transparent or translucent media for
1. Press the Calibrate key from the Front Page screen, then
press Auto Calibrations > AutoJet Calibration in the
2. The printer prints the AutoJet test pattern.
3. The printer reads the AutoJet test pattern and maps any
missing jets to available working jets.
The control panel shows the progress of this operation as
the percentage completed.
4. The printer prints an AutoJet report.