Front Page 5-5
11. Print prime bars — fires all jets by drawing a set of lines
called prime bars. This is a good way to inspect and prepare
the jets for printing after they have been idle (see “Print
Prime Bars” on page 3-9). You can also print a similar pat-
tern called Print Jet-Out Lines, which shows which jets have
been detected and replaced by AutoJet (see page 3-12 for
12. Purge printheads — purges the printheads to help recover
missing jets. Follow a purge with a manual dab or blot of the
printheads (do not wipe) with a lint-free cloth.
13. Print mode — sets print quality mode. See “Configure Print-
ing” on page 2-2 for instructions.
14. Turn On Lamps/Turn Off Lamps — enables you to manually
switch the lamps on and off.
15. Media Wizard — displays the Media Wizard.
16. Load (visible when media is not loaded) — loads media. See
“Load and Print on Rigid Media” on page 2-8, or “Load and
Print on Roll-Fed Media” on page 2-15, for instructions.
17. Configure & Load — configures the printer for a media type.
See “Configure Media” on page 2-6 for instructions.
18. Move media forward/backward — press the ) key to
advance the media forward. When you press and hold the )
key, the media moves faster. Press the , key to reverse the
media back onto the supply spool. When you press and hold
the , key, the media moves faster.
19. Jobs — print and managed Stored Jobs. See “Stored Jobs”
on page 2-11 for instructions.
20. Calibrate — displays the Calibrate Printer menu.
21. Option settings — displays the Printer Settings menu.
22. Tools — displays the Tools menu.
23. About — displays the embedded software version.
24. Online/offline switch — switches network communications
on and off between the printer and RIP.