
4-20 Manual Calibrations
16. Press , and ) to select a head number, then press !
The control panel displays a message that lists the bad jets
by number.
17. Press ! to return to the head selection screen.
18. Repeat steps 16 and 17 for each head you want to check for
bad jets.
19. When you are finished clearing bad jets, press (.
The control panel displays the previous menu.
Clear All Bad Jets
When you select Clear All Bad Jets, the control panel dis-
plays the following prompt:
Are you sure you want to clear
ALL reported bad jets?
Press ( to cancel this function, or
Press ! (Proceed). The control panel displays this
Do you want to clear the hard bad jets?
Press No to clear the soft bad jets only.
Press Yes to clear both the hard and soft jets.
The control panel displays this message:
All reported bad jets have been cleared.
20. Press ! (Proceed).
When you have finished mapping jets, the following sum-
mary appears on the control panel:
x soft jets currently reported bad.
x hard jets currently reported bad.
x new soft bad jets reported.
x new hard bad jets reported.
x previous soft bad jets cleared.
x previous hard bad jets cleared.
where x is the number of jets.