6 – Removal/Replacement
CPU Module
6-6 59043-03 A
4) Copy Log Files
5) Remove Switch Config
6) Remake Filesystem
7) Reset Switch
8) Show Firmware Versions
9) Set Active Image
Image filename: image_file
Unpacking ’filename’, please wait...
Unpackage successful.
0) Exit
1) Image Unpack
2) Reset Network Config
3) Reset Password File
4) Copy Log Files
5) Remove Switch Config
6) Remake Filesystem
7) Reset Switch
8) Show Firmware Versions
9) Set Active Image
11. Restore switch configuration. Move to the directory that contains the
configdata file that you downloaded earlier. Use FTP to upload this file from
the management workstation to the switch.
User: images
Password: images
ftp> binary
ftp> put configdata
ftp> bye
12. Open a Telnet session and enter the Config Restore command to restore the
switch configuration. Refer to ”Config Command” on page B-7 for more
information. If you archived the configuration using SANbox Manager, you
can restore the switch configuration using the SANbox Manager Restore
13. Observe the Heartbeat LED. It should blink once per second. If the
Heartbeat LED is showing a different blink pattern, refer to ”Heartbeat LED
Blink Patterns” on page 5-1 for diagnostic procedures or contact your
authorized maintenance provider.
14. Reconnect the Fiber Channel port cables according to their labels.
Disconnect the cross-over Ethernet cable and reconnect the original
Ethernet cable if there was one.