B096-016 B096-048 and B092-016 User Manual Page 132
10.3.3 Enable NSCA monitoring
NSCA is the mechanism that allows you to send passive check results from the remote Console Server to
the Nagios daemon running on the monitoring server. To enable NSCA:
Select System: Nagios and check NSCA Enabled
Select the Encryption to be used from the drop-down menu, then enter a Secret password and
specify a check Interval
Refer the sample Nagios configuration section below for some examples of configuring specific
NSCA checks
10.3.4 Configure selected Serial Ports for Nagios monitoring
The individual Serial Ports connected to the Console Server to be monitored must be configured for
Nagios checks. Refer to Chapter 4.4: Network Host Configuration for details on enabling Nagios
monitoring for Hosts that are network connected to the Console Server. To enable Nagios to monitor a
device connected to the Console Server serial port:
Select Serial & Network: Serial Port and click Edit on the serial Port # to be monitored