Select the System: Dial menu option and the port to be configured (Serial DB9 Port or Internal
Modem Port)
Note The Console Server’s console/modem serial port is set by default to 115200 baud, No parity, 8
data bits and 1 stop bit, with software (Xon-Xoff) flow control enabled. You can modify the baud
rate and flow control using the Management Console. You can further configure the
console/modem port settings by editing /etc/mgetty.config files as described in Chapter 14.
Select the Baud Rate and Flow Control that will communicate with the modem
Check the Enable Dial-In Access box
Enter the User name and Password to be used for the dial-in PPP link
In the Remote Address field, enter the IP address to be assigned to the dial-in client. You can
select any address for the Remote IP Address. However, it and the Local IP Address must both
be in the same network range (e.g. and
In the Local Address field, enter the IP address for the Dial-In PPP Server. This is the IP address
that will be used by the remote client to access Console Server once the modem connection is