Selecting Serial & Network: Network Hosts presents all the network connected Hosts that have
been enabled for access, and the related access TCP ports/services
Click Add Host to enable access to a new Host (or select Edit to update the settings for existing
Enter the IP Address or DNS Name of the new network connected Host (and optionally enter a
Add or edit the Permitted Services (or TCP/UDP port numbers) that are authorized to be used in
controlling this host. Only these permitted services will be port forwarded through to the Host.
All other services (TCP/UDP ports) will be blocked.
If the Console Server has been configured with distributed Nagios monitoring enabled then you
will also be presented with Nagios Settings options to enable nominated services on the Host to
be monitored (refer to Chapter 10 – Nagios Integration)
The Logging Level specifies the level of information to be logged and monitored for each Host
access (refer to Chapter 7 - Alerts and Logging)
If the Host is a networked server with IPMI power control, then the Administrator can enable
users (Users and Administrators) to remotely cycle power and reboot (refer to Chapter 8.2 -
Configuring IPMI Power Management)
Click Apply