Note The above notes describe setting up an incoming connection for Windows XP. The steps are the
same for Windows 2003, except that the setup screens present slightly differently:
Put a check in the box for Always allow directly connected devices such as palmtop…..
Also, the option to Set up an advanced connection is not available in Windows 2003 if RRAS is
configured. If RRAS has been configured, it is a simple task to enable the null modem connection
for the dial-in configuration
C. For earlier version Windows computers, follow the steps in Section B, above. To get to the Make
New Connection button:
For Windows 2000, click Start and select Settings. At the Dial-Up Networking Folder, click
Network and Dial-up Connections and click Make New Connection. Note: you first may need
to set up a connection over the COM port using Connect directly to another computer before
proceeding to Set up an advanced connection
For Windows 98, you double-click My Computer on the Desktop, then open Dial-Up
Networking and double-click
6.10.2 Set up SDT Serial Ports on Console Server
To set up RDP (and VNC) forwarding on the Console Server’s Serial Port that is connected to the
Windows computer COM port:
Select the Serial & Network: Serial Port menu option and click Edit (for the particular Serial Port
that is connected to the Windows computer COM port)